First, what tonight meant, the first time in American history that the Democratic Party has nominated an African American as its candidate for President. While this is a monumental time for America, African-Americans, and the American political system, I like to think that it has an even greater importance beyond American soil and abroad.
Lately, our politics has become a wild joke to the rest of the world. With our bumbling crusader of a President at the forefront, American politics has acquired the reputation of being mean, pity, and devoid of any true substance and accomplishment. And can we really, honestly resist this title? The worst war in American history. Two economic recession in eight years, including one that neared Great Depression levels. Hurricane Katrina and a demolished city. Illegal wiretaps. Treasonous outing of a CIA agent. Religious fundamentalism and an assault on science and reason.
See? The failures of the Bush administration literally go on forever, and we've taken our first step to rectifying these mistakes by nominating Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States. Just imagine the impact of having Obama's face representing our country, and the world seeing an African-American representing the land of slavery? This is historic, and I feel so honored to have lived to see such a moment.

But now onto more spiteful territory--the Grand Old Bitch of the Democratic Party, or, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Last night was her last chance for class. The last chance in a campaign of cheap shots and dirty tricks to emerge, phoenix-like, from the ashes of Karl Rove and embrace the nominee the Democratic PARTY has chosen; in other words, the last chance to act like an adult.
Yet we saw none of it, nothing more than self-indulgence and self-denial, all wrapped in a present of delusion and pretty pink bows of IMAGINATION. Number one Clinton hater Andrew Sullivan summed it up best: "Her narcissism requires that she deprive her opponent of a night, or a second, of gratification or attention." And that is what really, REALLY pisses me off about the bitch's speech. She can parade around with her unremarkable platforms, conspicuous claim of 18 million votes, and still support the idea that she won Michigan and Florida, but at least give Obama some credit--something she's never done, as least not with sincerity. Obama beat her, pure and simple. He out-organized, out-raised, and out-campaigned the most potent political machine of the late 20th century, and, like Sullivan notes, her narcissism was beyond an congratulatory effort. She lost, and her dreadful speech reveals what a baby she truly is.
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