A perfect, beautiful moment that defined a momentous movement, all sugar-coated by the most awe-inspiring surroundings this side of the Beijing games.
Before I get to the speech, I beg of you to scrutinize the picture I have included as well as the hundreds of other photos being uploaded on the internet as I type. Having watched three Olympic games, the Super Bowl, the World Series, and countless other events involving crazy fans and charismatic leaders, I can honestly say that the power and unity that was on display at Mile High tonight was unlike anything I have witnessed. The image of over 80,000 people sharing the same vision and same passion, flashing their digital cameras, screaming themselves horse, frantically waving their signs proudly proclaiming "Change." These are the kinds of images our grandchildren will see in history books.
And this is the kind of speech our great-grandchildren will be reading about in those same textbooks. Substantive, eloquent, and above all forceful, Obama hit this one out of the park. It's not easy giving a speech on the heels of such heavy-hitters as Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, and Al Gore, yet Obama's speech managed to neatly summarize every theme of the convention while offering every new ingredient liberals like myself had desired.
Basically, this speech was a challenge, a call to arms for Americans to rid themselves of the failed policies of movement conservatism and embrace new and enlightening change for Washington. As Obama boldly proclaimed to his audience: "ENOUGH" of the Bush policies. Literally, there was not a single issue that Obama missed--his supposed "elitism," his supposed "weakness," his supposed "inexperience," his supposedly "weak economic plan," and, most importantly, his supposed "soaring rhetoric." All were scorched by a speech that trail blazed the stadium and roasted John McCain like the swine he has become, using the simple mechanism of truth to burn through an entire summer of lies and lying liars who misuse them.
It is difficult for me to summarize all of the points that were made, so I'll leave at Obama tore McCain's platform and ideology to pieces, offering detailed yet accessible analysis of the crumbling America we now have and the surging America we can still experience.
Anybody who sits and absorbs the full 50 minutes of this speech and still claims to oppose Obama because he lives on the same block as Bill Ayers should forfeit their American citizenship. This is unquestionably the most talented and brilliant public servant of our generation, and we owe it to our legacy as a country to embrace this precious talent and vote him into office. We are being given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. America better not fuck it up.
This was a moment that was beautiful, motivational, and otherworldly.
This is history in the making, and I thank my luckiest stars that I was alive to witness it.
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