The Sarah Palin interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson is a blogger's wet dream.
It really is rare for a single event to offer so much to mock, so much to laugh at, so much to RIDICULE.
But I'll keep it short and sweet: the Palin interview, in all its ignorance and stupidity, makes me jump up and down like a little schoolboy during music hour in Sunday School for her debate with Joe Biden.
While I'll be crossing my fingers for a discussion on nuclear proliferation (just to hear her Fargo accent mangle the poor, destructive word), I'm hoping for the really meaty topics of foreign policy to surface. Like renegotiation of NAFTA. Or trade relations with China. Or the Iraq withdrawal plan--which Iraq President Nouri al-Maliki supports but John McCain and Palin oppose--or, as we learned today that she still believes, Saddam's connections with 9/11!
It is bound to be a festive day
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