Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin DOES have foreign policy experience--Just ask Cindy!

I already had zero respect for Cindy McCain.

Aside from the fact that she has become a big, dumb blond spokesperson for the more hurtful propaganda of her husband's campaign (see: her response to questions about Michelle Obama's supposed lack of pride for her country; get a vomit bag), she is one annoying character, one born into supreme wealth who lies about the existence of her step-sister on the campaign stump, making herself out to be some lonely only child and gain voter's sympathies.

But this takes the cake.

In her appearance on "This Week George Stephanopoulos" yesterday, Steph asked her about Palin's supposed lack of foreign policy experience, and Cindy replied--and I'm not making this shit up--that "You know, the experience that she comes from is, what she has done in government -- and remember that Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia."

Here in America, we become accustomed to being in the presence of idiots. We have a retarded president, voters who are more likely to recognize Darth Vader over Dick Cheney, and schoolchildren who cannot locate China on a world map. Yet THIS--from a woman who allegedly holds a Masters in Special Education from USC--is one of the dumbest things I have EVER HEARD!

See for yourself...and get a vomit bag.

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